Stress measurement saliva test


This simple test lets you know if you have a stressful situation and the phase in which it is.  


Are you always stressed and have a frantic pace of life? Attentive because this may be seriously affecting your health.  

Several studies confirm that stress is associated with a reduction in the capacity of our immune system against external aggressions, so we are more prone to suffer certain pathologies, such as cardiovascular diseases.  

To find out if you suffer from chronic stress in Eurofins Megalab Canarias we offer you the Stress Measurement Saliva Test. This simple test lets you know if you suffer from a stressful situation and the phase you are in so you can change your lifestyle.  

Do you want a stress measurement saliva test? Get a 10% discount now, when you buy the test in our online store.

  • Analysis of cortisol and DHEA levels  
  • Results report  

What do you need to know to take the test at home?

Before collecting the sample you should consider:  

  • To make determination you have to supply 4 Salivates.  
  • Do not ingest food or drinks, for one hour before collecting the samples.  
  • Do not brush your teeth.  
  • Identify the samples with the time of collection.  


  • Remove the pad inside the supplied tube.  
  • Put it in your mouth and chew it.  
  • When soaked in saliva, insert it into the tube and close it.  
  • Label the container with the time of collection.  
  • The sample should be stored in the fridge, in the freezer.  
  • When you have all the samples collected, refer the tubes correctly identified to the laboratory.

Phases of stress

  • The acute phase is the desire to flee or fight, there is secretion of catecholamines, cortisol and subsequently Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to counteract the harmful effects of Cortisol. The health integrity of the individual depends on the balance between cortisol secretion and DHEA.  
  • Adaptation phase: the different metabolic pathways try to compensate for homeostasis and return to a normal situation, with hormones within their reference range.  
  • Decompensation phase: The stressful agent becomes chronic, the organism “collapses”. Attempts are made to maintain DHEA levels to counteract Cortisol, but the tendency of both is to decrease, which indicates adrenal fatigue. Adrenal exhaustion phase: Cortisol and DHEA concentrations are very low.  


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