Arabinose test for the diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis


Arabinose is a five-carbon sugar with the function of aldehyde called aldose.

It is suspected that the arabitol produced by yeasts in the gastro-intestinal tract is absorbed into the circulation and is then transformed into arabinose by the liver.

It is not endogenously metabolised and it is eliminated in the urine, in consequence high levels of arabinose in the urine may be a good indicator of candida infections.

Arabinose is generally found to be raised in the presence of intestinal candidiasis, and it is frequently found in autistic children. It is suspected that autistic children may have deficiencies in one or more enzymes which participate in the metabolism of pentoses.

High levels of arabinose have been found connected to proteins in glycoproteins in the blood serum of schizophrenic patients and in children with behavioural disorders. The alteration of the function of proteins through arabinose is another mechanism by means of which arabinose can affect bio-chemical processes.

High levels of arabinose have been found in urine samples from women with vulvovaginitis due to Candida.

Candida increases the permeability of the intestine and produces Arabitol and Arabinose and any substance that uses the Phenol-Sulphur Transferase system. It also increases the permeability of the intestinal wall (acetaminophen, citrus fruits, chocolate, apple).

A mechanism which is effective in the treatment of candidiasis is not only the use of anti-fungal treatments but also the restriction of sugars and carbo-hydrates.


100 ml. of urine from the first urination of the morning in a sterile container.


Do not consume, during the three days prior to obtaining the sample, pulses, cherries, apple, tomatoes, barley and oats.